Home Office statistics suggest that, on average, one incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every minute.
Domestic violence accounts for 16% of all violent crimes and has more repeat victims than any other crime.
Statistics show that domestic violence effects one in four women and one in six men.
If you are in a relationship where you are subjected to domestic violence, our Family Team could help you to protect...
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Arranging maintenance with your husband, wife or civil partner
Most couples who are ending a marriage or civil partnership manage to agree between themselves about money without going to court.
If you both agree to financial support, this is known as a “voluntary agreement”. It can be a written or verbal agreement.
If you want to make your agreement legally binding, you´ll need to apply to court for a...
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When a separation agreement can help
If you get a separation agreement in writing, it can avoid disagreements later on.
Working out everything when you split up or separate can be complicated. You can use a separation agreement if:
you´ve been married or in a civil partnership, have stopped living together but don´t want to legally end the marriage or civil partnership
you´ve been living together without being...
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You’ll have to show on the Divorce Petition the reasons why you want a divorce.
To start a divorce, you or your adviser will need to fill in a ´divorce petition´.
You’ll need to fill in the form, which must include:
your full name and address
your husband or wife´s full name and address
the names and dates of birth of any children you have (no matter how old they are)
your marriage...
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